Well, here it is... my very first blog. I decided to recycle (repost?) something I wrote a few years ago. Still love it, and it's still true. :) Enjoy
Each of the gospels differ slightly on details. For example, the gospel of John is the only gospel with the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is also the only gospel that mentions John leaning on Jesus at the last supper, and the only gospel that names John as the disciple Jesus loved, or His Beloved. You may think he was trying to elevate himself as Jesus favorite disciple by including these details in his story, but I believe he was simply confident in who he was. I believe each of the gospel writers included testimonies of miracles and healings that had touched their hearts and stood out to them personally. John says that there were many more things Jesus did than the ones written in the gospels, and that to tell all of them would require writing more books than the world could contain. I guess being a gospel writer would be a daunting task in that case, and you would have to choose the events that stood out the most to you personally, and this usually means it has changed something in your own heart. I believe that the details each one included, was God inspired, (of course), but also had personal meaning for them, and came from the revelation they had of their Lord. John is Jesus Beloved, so it is not prideful to say it. I believe God inspired each of them to write Jesus story down from their perspective, but also gave them freedom to include the details that stood out to them. (I do also believe that some of the details were prophetically inspired, and they may have wondered themselves, 'Why did I write that down?')
Now gets to the tricky/controversial part- having the mind of Christ. I believe the reason God gave them this freedom, is because they had the mind of Christ. They are His friends, and in both aspects, God let them write from their heart. God trusts our RENEWED minds (Romans 12:2), because we have the mind of Christ. We tell our story from the depth of revelation we have of our Lord. Other believers may not have this same revelation, and may accuse us of taking it too far, or being prideful. Is it Truth? That is the important question. Jesus does love John. I believe Jesus calls John His Beloved. Why should I accuse John of thinking too highly of Himself? He is Jesus Beloved. End of story.
Now, I have been pondering the invitation Jesus extended to John in Revelation 4. Come up here... I know that this is also a controversial subject, but I am excited about that invitation, and what it means for us. Was this an isolated event in the history of the church? Why? Was John special? More special than us? Does Jesus love him more than he loves me? I have the revelation that I am His beloved. I have confidence that He no longer calls me servant, but friend, and that He longs to share His plans with me. Am I being prideful? Nope. I hear Him say to me at times, "Erin, come up here!" I joyfully accept! It has opened doors for me spiritually that I am eternally grateful for. No apologies. I am a citizen of Heaven. (Phil. 3:20) I have every legal right to go there. So do all His Beloved. He stands at the door of Heaven with His hands held out to us, whispering, "Come up here!" Sometimes shouting, "COME UP HERE!" Will you go?
This may cause all kinds of questions to bubble up inside of you. That's great! I don't want you to believe it just because I say it! That would be foolish. The Bible tells us to 'study to show yourself approved before God...' (2 Tim. 2:15) Always test what you have been taught, and study it out for yourself! I'll try to answer some of your questions with scripture. If I miss any, just ask!
How do I go?
Well, this is a tough one. In my experience, I go by faith. I have never had an 'out of body' experience. I go by faith, and see the third heaven by faith. I find it helpful to describe what I see, to ask Jesus questions while there, and to let Him know what you would like to see. Example: "I see colors, Lord. Oh, now it's more clear- it's a colorful flag! And I see dancers swirling it around in their dance..." or, "What is behind that door, Lord? What does that flower smell like?" or, "Lord, I would really like to see the mansion." (Just so you know, a lot of visions are interactive!!) Paul knew a man, (possibly himself), who was 'caught up to the third heaven'. He says he doesn't know whether this man was in his body or out of his body. (2 Cor. 12:2) John, in Revelation, says he was 'in the spirit on the Lord's day'. I'm not going to try and explain what all that means. I suggest you study it for yourself. The point is, everyone's experience may be different. Don't expect it to happen the way it did to me, or to anyone. But expect it. If you want it, ask.
Is it safe?
I believe that God will protect you throughout this experience. Trust Him. Just because people involved in new age, occult, or witchcraft, etc., practice spirit travel, does not mean we need to fear it. It's always about source. Who takes them? If you ask God, He will guide you, and you will be safe. Trust Him, trust Him, trust Him. Again, study! Know the Word. Spend time with Him. Learn His voice. Learn His nature. That way, if you encounter something that seems off to you, you have enough experience to test it. I am a firm believer in dialogue. God will answer if you are wondering about something. It's about having confidence in who you are in Christ!
Do I need to wait for an invitation?
Your citizenship is there. You have already been invited. You can go right now if you want to! When I said earlier that He invites me, I am talking about times when I wasn't thinking about going or expecting to go. One night I couldn't sleep, even though I was extremely tired, so I said, "God, what is going on? Why can't I sleep?" He said to me, (Loud enough in my inner man that it could have been audible!!), "Come to the throne room." I instantly obeyed, and He showed me one of my friends was in need of prayer. I actually saw my friend there, (A representation of my friend), and the friend said to me twice, "Pray for me." I came back, prayed for my friend, and had a great sleep.
Study out what the scripture has to say. There is a lot about heaven and spiritual places, and it is exciting to explore them. A few years ago in a dream, God showed me a place called 'The Place of Healing'. It was an actual place!! Beautiful and warm. I have seen great Golden Eagles soaring, and said, "God, I want to ride one!", and then had the joy of soaring above the clouds. (On one occasion, I was going to the third heaven by faith with a friend, and as I was riding an eagle, I was soaring over hills and fields. She was having a different experience, she was laying on a grassy hilltop soaking up the sun, and as she was gazing up at the sky, an eagle flew over! I was on that eagle!!) There is nothing sweeter than gazing into the eyes of Jesus, and seeing how much He loves you. I encourage you to go. He is saying, "Come up here..."