Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Afternoon Ramblings

Well, I was almost suckered in. I was starting to have that niggling thought in the back of my mind that I need to 'seek God more'. You know, that guilty feeling that goes something like: "I should be DOING more! God feels so far away! I should be a good little Christling and spend more time reading the Bible and worshipping, so I can feel His presence!" Stop it. That is a lie from the pit.

The thought that you are distant from God is an illusion. The enemy would like nothing more than to get you chasing your spiritual tail, trying to achieve something you already possess. Seriously. He's devious like that. And unfortunately, it's not been too difficult to get most of us on that hamster wheel. 

The glorious truth is that Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Ever. He is just as present in your life now as when you fell down at that conference and felt tingles and goosebumps and cried out in your spirit: "This is it! The presence of God is here!!" Yup, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is sitting there reading this blog with you right now. RIGHT NOW. Very present. Very real. Very tangible. 

"But Erin, I don't feel it." Doesn't mean it isn't true. The truth is that you can access this fact by faith. We walk by faith and not by sight. We know that scripture says you are seated IN CHRIST. He said He will never leave you. You are a citizen of heaven. Here. Now. 

Once we climb onto that hamster wheel of trying to earn God's presence through prayer or worship or devotions or good deeds or ANYTHING, we have given up grace for the law. Am I anti-prayer, worship, devotions, good deeds, etc.? Of course not! I am opposed to religious works, and that is what all those 'good' things become as soon as you are operating out of duty instead of desire. And don't be decieved: the desperation you feel to be closer to God can come from the enemy. Any time there is the seed of insecurity or neediness in your thinking, it is not from God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, etc.

You are a house of prayer, worship, devotion, good works. That's who you are now, not something you have to do. You are the 24/7 temple of God, and He loves dwelling there! Be aware that you are constantly in Him and with Him, and watch how it revolutionizes your walk. No more seeking. No more striving. Just resting in His love. Then your prayer, worship, devotion, etc. flows from that place- any time, any place. Amen. Now that's good news.

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